Sex – When and How to start educating young Children

Sometimes it is really hard to know where to get started with Sexual education and our young kids, especially when our generation has very little to reference on this topic in parenting. It is important for kids to understand their body and be able to label it appropriately. They can not always approriately or safely communicate their needs, wants and wonders if they do not have the language.

I recommend starting with teaching and teeaching 3 areas;

  • The Body
  • Health and Safety rules
  • Consent

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Teaching about the body doesnt have to be sexual its science, its biology so we can do this well

⚠️ Teach both boys and girls how to label their body parts but also the opposite genders parts.
When your boy asks why Mum doesn’t have a penis teach him the atomically correct parts he is asking about. Or if a girl asks daddy “what’s that” don’t panic, label them and move on like you would teach a toe or an elbow! example; Penis, Testicle, Foreskin, Nipple, Breast, Vulva, Labia, Vagina, Urethra, Anus, Bottom

🚨Grown up note: There are generations of women that wish they were told about the clitoris and that men were told about it too! Am I right?! Don’t panic about this just yet the language we teach will change and vary. To start it will be very matter a fact like my examples above. Remember what is thought in sexual education in early childhood is very different to what is thought in pre teens and adolescents.

2. Health and safety rules can start as early as you like once developmentally appropriate for a lot of families it will start with toddlers learning to potty train these basic rules will naturally grow and develop with the child. Theses can start as simply as how do we look after our body. Eating well, getting fresh air, taking vitamin d, washing our hands, changing our nappy, wiping our bum and drinking water. These are all basic health and safety rules parents put into place for their kids every day. These then expand as the child gets older. Perhaps when a sibling is body curious with their own body, its ok but what if its curiosity with their brother or sisters body that’s not OK or appropriate. This may be one of the first experiences you have in parenting where you want to set a rule and boundary. The challenge for us is to do this whilst not body shaming them, the natural curiosity but equally keep everyone safe in the family.

We will talk more about setting boundaries around body explorations as the week goes on over on Instagram so stay tuned those reels are coming! 

3. “Consent” is a word I don’t think was even uttered in any of our childhoods! Then when we did hear about it, it was just thought to the girls and I think we are now eventually realizing, that we probably all need to understand consent for the wheel to actually turn!! Don’t be scared of it, its actually the easiest to teach and can have absolutely nothing to do with actual sex.

⚠️ Note Consent can be a really turbulent topic in parenting. It is not as cut and dry as how we view it in Adulthood imo. A child is not always developmentally able to consent to all the things they need for health and safety with a sufficient education and understanding of that education to make a decison.
We have to balance consent with our responsibilities as parents. Example if my child has a temperature of 40 and does not consent to taking calpol I am going to make sure they take it with or without their consent. If you would like more examples please let me know in comments? As sometimes parents say in workshops they find them the most useful way to learn or understand a point.

It is like everything in parenting you’ve to balance it to suit what’s right for you, for your parenting style and your family.

I know alot of parents who reference the WHO for multiple different parenting decisions like breastfeeding, vaccines etc. Do you know they have full and thorough advice and guidelines on sexual education for your child? I say this because perhaps if you are unsure where to start or at certain points and stages with rearing a middle child, pre teen or adolescent perhaps their guidelines would be a reassuring reference for you if you have trusted them thus far. They break down really nicely into age groups and what’s appropriate or expected in each education piece!

Link here

The biggest barrier for our generation and sexual education is our own personal lack of sex education. For the majority of us we are not very enlightened or have ever worked on this area of ourselves. It can be hard to imagine where to start with our kids then. Find information from a trusted source that has similar values and standards as you. A voice that can help shift old mindsets and reframe worries for yourself ideally from an educated place. Sarah Sproule Sex Educator is an ideal example here. 

My number one pet peve when it comes to sexual education in Ireland. People judging liberal discussions on sexual education. Tutting as unnecessary and ruing a childs innocence!! Most often they are very same people ar the playschool gate heard saying “is that your girlfriend” or “have you any boyfriend in there”. Can I start a campaign to bin this narrative. Or at least can we please broaden it to “have you a boyfirend or girlfriend in there” 😜 i joke lets just bin it!

Our greatest barriers to growth in my opinion is a lack of self awareness! Self awareness is such an influencing factor in our parenting. As my Nurturing Resilience Workshop families will always atest to afterwards. The next Nurturing Resilience workshop is Nurturing Resillience 
Tuesday November 14th 8pm

I hope you found this supportive, do let me know.

After School Frustration and Emotions

We all have to blow off steam. We all do it appropriately and inappropriately at times, whether its arguing with our partners as adults or throwing a tantrums as toddlers. Adults have lots of different ways of decompressing “appropriately” in ways that don’t impact others negatively; some enjoy a glass of wine, a bath, some chocolate, a book, the gym, a social media scroll, yoga. Kids need the very same!

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Now having kids myself it has become more and more apparent that sometimes after playing by the rules they need to let loose. “What do you mean playing by the rules?” I hear you say, the rules of school, society and community all new and novel to them. Don’t shout, run, talk, eat, drink, go to the toliet now, colour here, stand there, hold hands, read this and so on!! Its a level of demand and compliance in an environment they feel compelled to conform! So after a few jam packed hours of learning societies expectations of you, you may have a little steam to blow off. Right?

As parents we need to support, accommodate and even facilitate that decompression! Sometimes they’ll seek it and it will be accomplished in an “appropriate” way and sometimes they wont and we then as parents find ourselves trying to manage unwanted behavior’s. Or behaviour that is negatively impacting the rest of the family.

Below is my list of after school frustration buster activities and tips on how to provide this outlet they may be seeking. I cover rainy days and dry days, physical and mental realise whatever that little person needs.

Top Tip: Vibes are actually important so be fun and silly. Remind them they are not in school now and you are not the teacher so lets be silly. Lets play;

The following are gross motor activities that can help with frustrations and help physically regulate a child all in the hopes of reducing inappropriate behaviour and nurturing their needs.

Trampoline: Jumping is always a winner try; Count and bounce, jump to five little monkeys, bounce to baby shark. Add a parachute, a ball whatever they fancy and will get them involved. We have a mini trampoline that we can bring inside on rainy days and it has proved very useful and it was inexpensive. Jumping on the bed is a great alternative here too if you have no trampoline but only if you too can let loose and either let it happen or even join in 😉

Tunnel fun; These are great to get them crawling and climbing. Pets can play too and they make a great addition to roadworks and traffic jam play which is a big deal in this house.

Climb a tree: olden but golden and a good activity to practice some risk taking too!

Two wheels or four; scooters, bikes, scuttle bugs, push cars, trikes you name it they all provide great feedback and freedom for this age group and can give such a great sense of freedom and independence.

Wobble Board: These can provide a slow comforting rhythm rock or fidget or a full on sensory experience the bigger and faster you move!

Top Tip: let them use bikes/vehicles some where really safe like a closed park or gated yard. It avoids you having to apply rules and reprimands when you are trying to let them let loose!

Playground: As above its a safe area you can let them free and not hoover but what makes it an extra great choice is, the climbing opportunities in playgrounds are like no other and this type of exercise can be super fulfilling for them.

Make a fort; This can take us all back a few decades. The best part is it can be done in any room with whatever you have in the house. Climbing, balancing and crawling are great not to mention creating something of your own that has no right or wrong!

Races and chases; I’m not near fit enough for the amount my kids would like to do this but my god they love it and they really get some serious feedback out of it.

Bath Time; Dont under estimate the value of sitting in water. Especially for this school going age. Bath toys are also so valuable to them because they dont have access to them daily or freely. Again try not to worry about splashing if you can’t be easy going it may be better avoided as it wont necessarily serve its purpose.

Yoga: The following videos have all been enjoyed in our house, from cosmic kids previously as they do it through story and role play.

Wheelbarrow; Filling it, carrying it and unloading the wheelbarrow. Its physical and fulfilling there’s no rules necessary. Fill with toys, balls, laundry, sand, water. Whatever is appropriate and fun for them. This also works with a shopping trolley.

Swings and Slides; these probably seem obvious but know this pushing someone on a swing and climbing up a slide are all as effective an activity as doing there counter parts.

Physio ball fun; I supported autistic children with large sensory diets for years. One recommendation which continually popped up during occupational therapy assessments and recommendations was Deep Pressure using weighted blankets, vest and physio balls. Im no OT but i definitely think deep pressure with a physio ball is worth a google or a query for any readers it may be new too. If deep pressure isn’t your kids cup of tea i highly recommend just a big old game of throwing, catching, bouncing and kicking the oversized ball. Help them bounce on it just like you did in labour! And roll on it belly down hands in yours aeroplane style. Its a giant ball have fun in whatever form eg. pretend its a giant boulder chasing you through the jungle?!

Dance Party; Volume up, furniture back and start to boogie make an absolute ass of yourself and they’ll love it and you’ll feel pretty good afterwards too.

The following are a list of activities which are more table top based and handy for a rainy day
Messy colouring; colouring is so therapeutic for all ages but this has no rules the sky doesn’t have to be blue the grass can be purple and you can even colour outside the lines because its “cuckoo” that’s what i say, just have fun! And as my 1st class teacher always said “There are no mistakes in art” what a woman, she was so right!!! Painting is also great and can be used the same and of course finger painting would be fabulously freeing too.

Bubbles; blowing is great and it can be a great time to teach the art of the deep breath which we all use daily!

Sand; sand is such a fantastic sensory experience. Magic sand, Kenetic sand whatever the brand is ideal for at the table. It can be creative, constructive or just plain messy whatever the mood takes and thats whats important that it can adapt to fufill that days need. It can also be enjoyed with or without a parent which is also important because that need changes like the weather also!

Playdoh and Pastry; A table top activity every generation enjoyed but never underestimate the pleasure in squeezing, rolling, pressing and cutting up it can be a real realise for some kids. Pastry is a great alternative too and adds another texture to this sort of session. Again avoid this if you are the parent who can’t let them mix the colours etc. it will only end in tears and more rules and structure.

Aquadoodle; sure look its a total no brainer you literally can not go wrong. Theres actually no right and wrong!! Its like when you are looking for a soap to watch at night because you’re too tired to watch anything that would take more brain power, that’s aquadoodle sit back, relax and recharge with your water pen and brush. Not Wet and wild but it does the trick and its strangely satisfying!

I hope you found this helpful and take something from it to help in your week. As always id love to know what you think or if you have any more suggestions that would even be better.

Enjoy Dee x

Free Printable Tool – Getting Out In The Morning Routine

A visual schedule created with pictures can really help children feeling overwhelmed by the level of demands in the morning. Please feel free to use my PDF resource. Download, print and create at home for you and your family. Check out my recent post with more indepth advice and tips on improving mornings also. Pair those strategies with this visual to nail those morning transtions!

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It supports the child as it gives a clear expectation of what will be asked and what needs to be achieved. It helps support frustration caused from overload of language and/or processing. Using velcro or sellotape they can rip off each completed step and get to the end of their page with a sense of achievement.

Visual aids don’t have to be a permanent fixture in the household. It might just be a temporary measure to help get everyone singing off the same hymm sheet. When the routine and rules are back in place you’ll find you might not need it again until after midterm or Christmas/Summer holidays.

Why and Who might benefit from this simple visual tool:

A Home Where…..
– The pace of school mornings is totally new to all family members so there’s a big shift in the families lifestyle.
– The child has never been cared for outside of the home prior.
– There are younger siblings that monopolise parents time in the morning. The visual could give the older child a purpose and its completion something to be celebrated!
– There are different adults in charge depending on the day or week. This can keep the expectations the same and the rules regular no matter who is facilitating the routine. Children love everyone being on the same page!

A Child who…..
– Enjoys going at their own pace.
– Seeks control over their environment by “digging their heals in” and becoming what appears to be “defiant”.
-Enjoys and possibly needs clear and concise direction.
-Is seeking your attention through out the morning via repeated instructions and demands or possibly arguing over every instruction. although you the parent know they have these tasks mastered previously can be independent.
-Has a language delay.
-Who works better when they know the lay of the land and have a plan.
-A child who wants to “be in charge”
-Enjoys routine and predictability…… Oh by the way that’s every child ever 🤣

Do let me know if you print this free off resource in the comments.

Good luck!

Vut out, and velcro the back, put in order of completion.

Parent Mantras for the days we are surviving not thriving!

I know there are days when I can just go shove my mantras where the sun don’t shine 😅 Straight in the bin 🤪 There are days so challenging that our parental brains wouldn’t let us get to the point of even remembering these or being able to repeat these to ourselves. But there are days where these might help soothe the heart and redirect brain ❤️ 🧠 They may give you the prompt you need to reset or reframe the challenge of the day.

Remembering their age and how many days they are on this planet has always helped me when I feel like screaming and days I need to scream I just go outside and do that when they ask what’s wrong I tell them I thought I saw a ghost 👻 🤣 That helps too because then we all have a good laugh 😃

If you would like this in a free printable pdf to stick it on the fridge as a visual prompt click the link below and download it now ❤

Do let me know what you think in the comments, which one you use or will use and definitely let me know if the printable is useful 😉

Click this link to download the Parent Mantra PDF Free Printable

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A little Christmas gift from me to you!

If you use a weekly visual schedule this pdf of Christmas icons I’ve created and attached may come in handy for the coming days and weeks. Download it by pressing the link and print it off for your own use for free.

Hope you find it helpful and if you wish to show your appreciation by sharing my website, supports and page with other parents as alway I am very grateful. Sharing, likeing, commenting is exactly what helps my visability and then more parents can find me.

Enjoy and Merry Christmas.

The Debrief

Trying to download information from a preschooler or school goer can often feel like pulling teeth whilst ending up with no teeth!!

Expectations – First port of call manage them! A preschoolers vocabulary in general can be quiet limited, not to mention their recall and use of descriptive language, therefore its important to not expect too much too soon. In my experience if you push it too much and make it a daily interrogation children will quite cleverly develop a scripted response defaulting on the same answer daily to hopefully complete the experience as quickly as possible.

Differentiate – Remember to approach each child individually. Some love to debrief and spill the beans on themselves and everyone else. Others process the day and themselves differently. Allow for that and avoid comparison. Avoid deciding one way is better or more positive than the other, its just their way and thats ok.

Environment – Some need face to face conversation, eye contact down to their level. Some prefer less confrontational and in the car is their spot to spill. If your hoping to chat tune into that and provide their environment of choice for the best results. I’ve one man who needs the radio off and silence from me and I’ll get the day hour by hour including a conclusion of “so Mom it was my best day” or the opposite as the case maybe!

The Parent Trap – Feeding the child information you assume or decide yourself. We’ve all done it, right? Tell me I’m not kn my own? Be mindful that a child’s world and perception of events is often very different to ours let them tell a story avoid jumping in and making your own of it. Small children in particular are possibly likely to nod or agree with your additions potentially based on your reaction rather than the facts involved.

Limits – Last but not least keep it to one or two questions and leave it at that you want to be a conscious and caring parent, me too i totally get it! You want them to know the floor is open, I’m here to listen and you can tell me whatever you need to but sometimes wishing and trying to execute that can turn us into detectives. I’ve put together some helpful suggestions to maybe open up the conversation a little bit further than “how was your day?”…. “Fine” but just pick one or two off the list every day and see if they suit your style of parenting or perhaps help that post school debrief.

Who was funny in school today?

Was anybody kind today?

What did you laugh at today?

Try anything new today?

What were you proud of today?

Did you learn a new song today?

Did you try anything tricky or difficult today?

Did you help anyone today?

Did you smile at anyone today?

What didn’t you like in your lunch?

What game did you enjoy or dislike in the yard?

What was your favourite lesson in class?

What did you not enjoy today?

Did you have to be brave today?

You get the idea and I’m sure you’ll come up with plenty of your own and more suiting to your own parenting style.

Most importantly take their word for it especially when they are young if they say they had a good day accept it, trust it and enjoy having a contented child the bad days will come too.

Gardening With Kids; activities, ideas and what we can teach and they can learn!

The Gains of Gardening:

– Planting with soil and watering are all great forms of sensory play for every age. 

-Teach them where food actually comes from, you know not the shop!

-Responsibility and resilience some will grow and some won’t learn from your mistakes and move on and make sure enjoy and revel in the wins.

-Science and Maths what do you need for growing, energy, sunlight, water, measuring, sorting, time and patience.

Continue reading

Parenting Support Workshops Information and Tickets

Please find my online Workshop Information below. There are two online workshops I currently run  

  • Empowering Parent’s – Workshop for a helping hand with Behaviour  
  • Toilet Training Less Stress more Success – Workshop. 

Please find current information, available dates and how to book for each below. I hope to see you on Skype!

Empowering Parent’s – Workshop


  • May 2nd 2020 at 10am to 12:30pm 
  • May 23rd 2020 at 1pm -3:30 pm
  • May 30th 2020 at 10am – 12:30pm

Price: 50pp

Workshop content includes:

-The Wipe the Slate Clean Approach

-Reacting and Managing Strong Emotions

-Reinforcement and how to utilise it correctly.

-Tuning into Preference and Motivation

-The Why: Thinking about the function of behaviours

– Tools for your Tool Box: Tried and tested techniques for every day unwanted behaviour.

-Routine and Predictability their role in anxiety and the “tantrums out of no where”


I’ve limited numbers for all online workshops to 6 spaces to ensure quality and time for everyone to ask questions etc. If you would like to book a workshop please click the link for your preferred date below;

May 23rd 2020 – Empowering Parents Workshop

May 30th 2020 – Empowering Parents Worksho


Toilet Training Less Stress More Success – Workshop 


  • May 2nd 2020 at 10am – 12:30pm 
  • May 23rd 2020 at 10am – 12:30pm
  • May 30th 2020 at 2pm – 3:30pm

Price: 50pp

Workshop content includes:

  • Prepare For Success what to do in the weeks leading up to training to prepare for success
  • Basic Training
  • Reinforcement
  • Nap Times
  • Night time Training
  • Pitfalls
  • Regressions 
  • Bowel Movements
  • Managing Fears with Empathy

I’ve limited numbers for all online workshops to 6 spaces to ensure quality and time for everyone to ask questions etc. If you would like to book a workshop please click the link for your preferred date below;

May 2nd 2020 – Toilet Training Less Stress more Success:

May 23rd 2020 – Toilet Training

May 30th 2020 – Toilet Training


If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to contact me via comment on this post.Email: Instagram @deehollhan